Respect * Empower * Transform
Community Enrichment

We want people to learn more about Montessori and what we do at Westabou. Throughout the year, we offer a series of Community Enrichment events on topics such as "Supporting Your Emergent Readers at Home," "Cooking with Toddlers," and "Transitioning from First to Second Plane."
Our next upcoming Community Enrichment event is on Thursday, September 14th at 8:30 am. We will be discussing the "Going Out" program in elementary, which is when children leave campus to go out in the community to learn about their individual interests. Some Goings Out have included visiting a factory that makes custom golf clubs, attending an Ebola Simulation with the medical school, and meeting with the Riverbanks Zookeeper to study baby lorikeets.
Have an idea for a Community Enrichment event or topic? Email Amanda here to tell us about it!